Manylion y mater

NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited: Covid-19 Recovery and Future Proofing the Business

To advise of the current situational position of NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited in light of the impact of Covid-19 and to seek approval for the changes required to the business to secure the long term future of the company.

Math o benderfyniad: Allweddol

Statws y Penderfyniad: Recommendations Approved

Cyhoeddwyd hysbysiad o benderfyniad arfaethedig gyntaf: 21/07/2020

Report Type: Strategic;

Angen penderfyniad: 28 Gorff 2020 by Cabinet

Prif Aelod: Aelod Cabinet Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol

Prif Gyfarwyddwr: Prif Swyddog (Stryd a Chludiant)

Adran: Streetscene and Transportation

Title (Welsh): Arlwyo a Glanhau NEWydd Cyfyngedig: Adferiad yn dilyn Covid-19 a Diogelu’r Busnes i’r Dyfodol

Description (Welsh): Cynghori’r Cabinet ynghylch sefyllfa bresennol Arlwyo a Glanhau NEWydd Cyfyngedig yn sgil effaith Covid-19 a cheisio cymeradwyaeth y Cabinet i’r newidiadau busnes sydd eu hangen i sicrhau dyfodol i’r cwmni.


Eitemau ar yr Rhaglen


  • NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited: Covid-19 Recovery and Future Proofing the Business