
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Teitl Dyddiad Yn effeithiol o Eitemau a alwyd i mewn
North East Wales (NEW) Homes Business Plan ref: 1104307/02/202407/02/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn
Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking ref: 1103907/02/202407/02/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn
Void Management ref: 1104207/02/202407/02/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn
Cofnodion ref: 1103807/02/202407/02/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn
Datgan Cysylltiad (gan gynnwys Datganiadau Chwipio) ref: 1103707/02/202407/02/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn
Council Fund Budget 2024/25 ref: 1104007/02/202407/02/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn
Common Housing Register (Single Access Route to Housing - SARTH) ref: 1104107/02/202407/02/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn
Capital Works – Procurement of Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) Envelope Works to Council owned properties (Roofing, Pointing, Rendering, Windows & Doors etc.) ref: 1129922/04/202422/04/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn
Datgan Cysylltiad (gan gynnwys Datganiadau Chwipio) ref: 1130022/04/202422/04/2024Nid i'w alw i mewn