Mater - penderfyniadau
062458 - Outline application - Residential development of up to 140 dwellings, means of access, open space, sustainable drainage infrastructure and all other associated works (Outline application including access, with all other matters reserved) at
20/08/2024 - 062458 - A - Outline application - Residential development of up to 140 dwellings, means of access, open space, sustainable drainage infrastructure and all other associated works (Outline application including access, with all other matters reserved)
Yn unol ag argymhelliad y swyddog, rhoi caniatâd cynllunio yn ddibynnol ar amodau a rhwymedigaethau Adran 106 a restrir yn yr adroddiad a’i ddiwygio fel a ganlyn:
Cael gwared ar yr 2il bwynt bwled Rhwymedigaeth A106 a chynnwys amod ar gyfer darpariaeth chwarae ar y safle o raddfa briodol.