Mater - penderfyniadau

FUL/000240/23 - Full application - Retention of existing public house and erection of two three-bedroom dwellings (Use Class C3) utilising existing access off Kinnerton Lane, with associated parking, hard and soft landscaping, including the reconfigu

08/01/2024 - FUL/000240/23 - A - Full application - Retention of existing public house and erection of two three-bedroom dwellings (Use Class C3) utilising existing access off Kinnerton Lane, with associated parking, hard and soft landscaping, including the recon

Gwrthod rhoi caniatâd cynllunio, yn groes i argymhelliad y swyddog, am y rhesymau canlynol:


·           Effaith ar yr amgylchedd yn sgil colli coed.

·           Effaith ar amwynder yn sgil preswylwyr newydd yn bacio i’r maes parcio.

·           Effaith ar hyfywedd y dafarn.

·           Cerbydau’n parcio ar y briffordd gyfagos yn sgil diffyg llefydd parcio.