Mater - penderfyniadau
064397 - Full application - Redevelopment of former Care Home site to deliver new specialised supported living (Use Class CS) and care home (Use Class C2) accommodation for adults with disabilities, together with associated new access road, parking,
17/01/2023 - 064397 - A - Full application - Redevelopment of former Care Home site to deliver new specialised supported living (Use Class C3) and care home (Use Class C2) accommodation for adults with disabilities, together with associated new access road, par
Gwrthodwyd y cais yn groes i Argymhelliad Swyddog ar sail ei fod yn ddatblygiad amhriodol oherwydd màs a graddfa, a’i fod yn ormesol ac yn rhy fawr. Fe’i gwrthodwyd hefyd ar sail diogelwch priffyrdd.