Mater - penderfyniadau
060699 - Outline - Outline Application for proposed residential development of 18no. 2 storey dwelling houses; detached & semi-detached, including the formation of new vehicular access, drainage, landscaping and all other associated works at Tyn Y Br
14/09/2021 - 060699 - A - Outline - Outline Application for proposed residential development of 18no. 2 storey dwelling houses; detached & semi-detached, including the formation of new vehicular access, drainage, landscaping and all other associated works at Tyn
Gwrthod rhoi caniatâd cynllunio, yn groes i argymhelliad swyddog, am y rhesymau canlynol: Bod y cynnig yn (i) gorddatblygu’r safle a (ii) heb gynllun priffyrdd digonol i ddarparu mynediad.