Mater - penderfyniadau

050048 - Full Application - Demolition of the Monastery Buildings, St. Damien's Lodge and Associated Outbuildings and the Redevellopment of the Site with 15 No. Houses at Poor Claire Collettine Monastery, Upper Aston Hall Lane, Hawarden.

11/02/2020 - 060048 - A - Full Application - Demolition of the Monastery Buildings, St. Damien's Lodge and Associated Outbuildings and the Redevelopment of the Site with 15 No. Houses at Poor Claire Collettine Monastery, Upper Aston Hall Lane, Hawarden.

Gwrthod rhoi caniatâd cynllunio, yn groes i argymhelliad swyddog, ar y sail ganlynol:

Roedd y cynigion gyfystyr â datblygiad amhriodol yn y Rhwystr Glas a chefn gwlad agored, ac nid oedd ‘amgylchiadau eithriadol iawn’ yn adran 7.21 o’r adroddiad wedi’u hystyried yn ddigonol i roi caniatâd.