Canlyniadau etholiadau ar gyfer Queensferry / Queensferry

County Council / Cyngor Sir - Dydd Iau, 4ydd Mai, 2017

Queensferry / Queensferry - canlyniadau
Election Candidate Plaid Pleidleisiau %
David Edward Wisinger Llafur Cymru 252 58% Wedi'i ethol
Donna Louise Edwards Independent / Annibynnol 170 39% Heb ei ethol
Darren Anthony Jones Independent / Annibynnol 11 3% Heb ei ethol
Crynodeb pleidleisio
Manylion Nifer
Seddi 1
Cyfanswm Pleidleisiau 433
Etholaeth 1456
Number of ballot papers issued 438
Nifer o papurau pleidleisio a wrthodwyd 5
Y nifer a bleidleisiodd 30%
Cyfran o'r pleidleisiau (%)
David Edward Wisinger 58% Wedi'i ethol
Donna Louise Edwards 39% Heb ei ethol
Darren Anthony Jones 3% Heb ei ethol
Rejected ballot papers
Voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to1
Writing or mark by which voter could be identified4
Total rejected5